Personalized Wood Comfort Cross with soft rounded edges | Hand-held / Hand-made Palm Praying Cross | Prayer Comfort Cross from Chicago Heights KofC #997 | Customized Holding Pocket Cross

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Exclusive! Value priced hand held prayer Comfort Cross is 4 1/2 inches tall, and made of finished light oak wood. It has rounded soft edges for hand comfort. Great for children and adults. Hold in your hand when praying for additional comfort. Fits into pocket or purse. Nice use in VBS, summer camps, fidgety children's hands. They are available Plain, Text on One Side or Text on both sides. 30 Characters per side. Quantity discounts available.       "The Cross In My Pocket Prayer Card" is included with each Comfort Cross. Your choice of English or Spanish.

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To Personalize call Dave at 708-267-8253.